Two Under 2

~ MamaJan ~

Just wanted to say I love the new siggy of your boys. DS #2 has the same outfit as Asher. This was taken about a month ago though, and his is size 6 months! Yikes!


Anyway, your boys are both adorable!

Re: ~ MamaJan ~

  • OMG that's too funny!  That outfit was a newborn size and I hadn't put him in it yet because it took so long to lose his cord - so by the time he wore it for the first time (for this picture), it didn't even fit him!  That was the one and only time he's worn it.

    But do you want to see something funny?  This is DS1 at 3 months old:


    Another same outfit! (gotta love gymboree!)  You have great taste in clothing Wink

    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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