
Ok CIO is bad enough...

...but when DH isn't on the same page and either wants to go pick him up and/or leave - that doesn't help me.

I need a hug :(

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Re: Ok CIO is bad enough...

  • It's tough.  which one is cio?  Hang in there.
  • Sending you lots of hugs!
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  • It is Max - he was doing better lately but tonight was a tough one.  He was clearly tired but fighting it.  Finally he was drowsy enough (I thought) to put him to bed.  Ugh!
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  • hugs hon.  cio is the worst!
  • Oh, I feel your pain.  We did CIO with both girls, and both times DH was the one that crumbled.


  • DH was like that...especially with DD#1.  It was awful because I felt like I was fighting him and DD at the same time!  Finally I got it through to him because I was always the one who got up with DD and I was the one home alone all day with her.  I said he could get her or do what he wanted, but he better not bring her to me.  He asked what to do with her.  I said I had no idea and that was why we were doing CIO in the first place.  I couldn't function on so little sleep anymore!  He didn't say anything again...but still wasn't supportive.  He was better with the second if only because he knows it doesn't last forever and he hears friends complaining about their 2 year old and older not STTN.
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