i went today for a check up & this whole time have been told there is just one baby in there...fine by me! well today when the doc put the doppler i swear there were 2 heartbeats! they were mimicking each other, almost as an echo. doc moved the doppler around and was able to isolate just one but my question is, what do 2 HB sound like? and if your having twins, do you ever hear 3? yours & babies? i've never heard mine before along with LO, but know it is possible so that could easily explain..just wondering though! haha!
Re: just curious...
You'd know for sure if you had more than 1 in there--esp. at 36 wks!
I've heard my HB before while they checked the twins. Theirs sound very rapid compared to your own (typical, regular beats).
I think you have answered your own question here.
It's an echo.
You've had an u/s, right?