
just curious...

i went today for a check up & this whole time have been told there is just one baby in there...fine by me! well today when the doc put the doppler i swear there were 2 heartbeats! they were mimicking each other, almost as an echo. doc moved the doppler around and was able to isolate just one but my question is, what do 2 HB sound like? and if your having twins, do you ever hear 3? yours & babies? i've never heard mine before along with LO, but know it is possible so that could easily explain..just wondering though! haha!
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Re: just curious...

  • Once they found out I was having twins at 12w, they always checked the HBs by u/s so it's a bit different. When I listened with my home doppler I could sometimes hear both at once--sounded kind of like horses' hooves--but I never heard more than two at once (though I did sometimes hear my own HB separately.) What you heard was either an echo (I've heard of that happening) or your own. (I'm assuming you don't think you really might be having twins. ;))
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • You'd know for sure if you had more than 1 in there--esp. at 36 wks!

    I've heard my HB before while they checked the twins. Theirs sound very rapid compared to your own (typical, regular beats).


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  • imagelizrenee06:
    today when the doc put the doppler i swear there were 2 heartbeats! they were mimicking each other, almost as an echo. !

    I think you have answered your own question here.

    It's an echo.

  • Seriously????

    You've had an u/s, right?


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Mommy to twin girls, Ashlyn & Fiona, born at 34 weeks due to vasa previa.
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