
Can you answer my bf'ing questions?

I started pumping for the first time yesterday.  I can't remember anything about this from when Rory was born.  (How does that happen?)  Anyway, I'm trying to figure this all out before I have to go back to work, and I would like to try to pump enough to get at least a little bit in the freezer before then.

1.  About how many ounces of bm should a bf'ed baby be drinking out of a bottle at a month old?  I gave him 2 oz just to see if he'd take the bottle, and he did, but then I just nursed him the remainder of the feeding so I haven't really tried to see how much he'd drink yet.

2.  Am I supposed to be pumping before or after I nurse him?

3.  Should I pump until I can't get anymore or should I just go for a certain amount of time?

Thanks girls!

Re: Can you answer my bf'ing questions?

  • I forget everything between each kid, too! No worries there!


    1) 2 or 3 would be all he will probably eat. It really depends, though.

    2) Pump after you nurse him

    3) I usually pump until I can't get any more. 

  • Hey woman!

    1. depends on the kid, I would do 2oz at a pop until you figure it out, (so it's not wasted) probably 3-4oz though.

    2. always nurse first unles you have hyper letdown that chokes him

    3. pump for at least 10-15min each side so you get the 2nd letdown and don't just get the foremilk.  Pump a few minutes after nothing comes out because sometimes another letdown happens & you get more.

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  • Awesome!  Thanks for answering.
  • imagegoodheartedmommy:

    I forget everything between each kid, too! No worries there!


    1) 2 or 3 would be all he will probably eat. It really depends, though.

    2) Pump after you nurse him

    3) I usually pump until I can't get any more. 

    This :) 

    Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
  • I'm going to print this out b/c I would be asking the same exact thing!

    On a side note:  I can't get a ticker to work but M's having a Baby Bruhver too!

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • How are things going! I can't believe he is a month old already.
  • 1.  DD took 4oz in her first bottle at 4 weeks, but she pretty much always took 4oz bottles.  At 3 months at daycare she was still taking 4oz bottles.

    2.  I'd either pump on one side while nursing the other or try to pump in between feedings.  Finding time to pump was always difficult for me because DD nursed so often (every 1-2 hours during the day until 3 months).  Mornings were usually best if I woke up before her because I would still be full after pumping.

    3. I always pumped until a couple minutes after the last drop of milk.  You want to empty the breast as much as possible to signal your body to make more milk.  If you stop pumping and there's still milk left, your body will think baby doesn't need as much milk and adjust your supply accordingly.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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