
feedings milk and food

my twins will be 8 months old next week, and for the past 1-2 weeks they really only want a bottle when they are sleepy.  they are realy wanting more foods.  i know this is a good thing for the pocket book, but when did your babies start wanting to substitute food for formula? and at almost 8 months how much food were you feeding them a day??  ALSO,  i know i have a lot of questions but my pediatrician told me that when they started to pull up to a standing position i could either go to 3rd step baby foods or start table foods....they eat a few table foods...but they have both just started pulling up and i am just so nervous about them choking...when did your babie switch to table foods or step 3 foods?

Re: feedings milk and food

  • I've heard that formula/breast milk should be their main source of nutrition for the first year because of the nutrients, fats, etc. in it.  

     We haven't even started solids, but are planning to start pureed fruits and veggies in a couple weeks. 


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