I had another Anatomy Scan on Friday and they said that both babies have an echogenic bowel. I am so nervous that they have down's syndrome. The dr. didn't seem too concerned with it, but she did mention talking to my OB about an amnio. I'm 30 and the only other soft marker is that one baby has two vessel umblilical cord. They are identical and that makes me think that they may have something serious since they both have the echogenic bowel.
Has anyone seen this at their scan and things turned out ok? Did it go away on it's own? I'm strongly considering having an Amnio done. I'm so so nervous.
IVF #3 = ID Twin Boys
TTC #3, June 2011 FET #1 m/c 9 Weeks, October FET #2 BFN, December FET #3 BFN,
March FET #4 c/p, June FET #5 BFN, July FET #6 embie didn't survive the thaw
IVF#4 September 2012

Identical twin boys born at 30 weeks 2 days due to HELLP