Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to pick out a car seat for our twins and am wondering what people think of the above car seats (Chicco Key Fit 30 and Graco Snug Ride 32). I saw them in the store today and thought they both seemed great and know that both have received great reviews from Baby Bargains and Consumer Reports. I'm wondering if there are any likes/dislikes that I might not have gotten the scoop on from the above reviews or from seeing them in the store (I'm a first-time mom!). Also, anybody have experience with these car seats in the Double Snap 'n' Go?
Thanks in advance!
Re: Chicco Key Fit 30 vs. Graco Snug Ride 32...?
I haven't had my twins yet but I bought the Graco Snugrides based on asking a similar question like you just posted awhile back. From what the ladies recommended, I chose them also b/c they DO fit in the Double Snap N Go.
I was under the impression that you couldnt use the Chicco car seats with the DSNG. So if you're going to use that stroller base - you'd have to go with graco.
I used the "regular" snugrides (not the 32s). I honestly don't get the 32's -- the benefit of an infant carseat is that you can pick it up and carry the baby in the seat. Once my kiddos hit 20 lbs there was no way I wanted to lift them + the seat and I was happy to move onto a convertible. Just my .02 cents
I don't know if the price difference in the regular snugride and the 32 is worth it when compared to just moving to a convertible once they hit the 22lb weight limit of the regular snugride?
At any rate -- I LOVED my Snugrides and my DSNG! No complaints on either.
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***