My husband asked me last night if I'm happy about having the twins. He said it seems like since we found out we're having two instead of one, my enthusiasm had died down. I tried to explain to him that I have so much going on in my head, it's hard to get past all of THAT and show my excitement. I am excited, but I'm also scared, overwhelmed, and feeling like I have very little control.
I'm a type-A personality.. I like knowing as much detail as I can, doing as much as I can, and having as much control over my life as I can. Growing two humans basically is out of my control. I'm reading a ton, I'm trying to prepare myself as much as possible, but I still feel overwhelmed.
There are all of the emotions that I imagine even singleton new mothers feel.. will I be a good enough parent, can I handle this, can we afford this? But then add on a second child to intensify each of those, and that my entire friend/family network is 500 miles away and not likely to come up to help. Being a hormonal petri dish isn't helping either. Oh, and we're barely having sex (compared to before BFP) so I also feel like I'm depriving my husband.
I think today I'm going to start making lists.. things I need before the babies arrive, things that need to be done, planning out our budget now that my peri has suggested I'll be out of work up to 8 weeks sooner than I anticipated. Making lists usually helps me get a more clear idea of what's going on, and lets me sort through my thoughts.
Thank you to whoever reads this.. I feel 'safer' posting this here than on one of the tri boards, as I'm sure many other MoMs feel this way occasionally too. I don't want to seem ungrateful for my twins.. or seem unexcited.. I just have to stop letting myself think too much.
Re: Feeling in a funk (long and babbling)
I'm pretty sure almost all of us felt the same way at least at one point in time. Having twins does put you out of control a bit, especially when they're unexpected (ours were... no twins in my family)
Just do your best to keep calm and if list-making helps then go crazy with lists
Hopefully you'll feel better about it as time goes on. I still feel a little out of control some days but just know you're not alone. You've joined a group of very supportive women and everyone's here to help if you ever need it!
I'm glad women who are already MoMs have posted many positive things to you! I am still PG (first time mom) and I want you to know that I feel like it seems very normal to go through a roller coaster of emotions!! I had a fertility struggle and have felt over the moon to be blessed with my miracles but whenever I thought about how far I was from family/friends/support (I spent the first 5.5 mo. of my PG living abroad in London), I for sure had my meltdown days.
I think it's good that you decided to make lists, get organized, etc. for yourself--do what YOU gotta do to help comfort the anxiety that you are feeling! And IMO, I think it would be good to share what you told us on the board with your DH---having him on board with all that you are feeling/going through makes communication easier (vs. him assuming you aren't excited about the twins).
Thanks for sharing this post with us and know that we are around and willing to offer any advice/support we can. Hang in there and hope you have a relaxing rest-of-the-weekend!! Take one day at a time.
Thank you to all of you, honestly. I'm wasn't trying to be whiny, and I'm so glad it didn't seem to come off that way. I spent the rest of my day yesterday focusing my energy on cleaning the house and getting some things done. DH and I had a great talk last night and I think I explained a lot of why I've been feeling so anxious, moreso than excited. He knows me very well, and just wants to be supportive.. and if I'm NOT excited, wants to know what he can do to take stress from me so that I can get to excited.
And I've started some lists. LOL
I know we'll be able to handle this, one way or another. I'm quite the resourceful chick.. and knowing that I have other MoMs to vent to or get suggestions from is such a huge relief. Thank you again for your support.. I dislike feeling like I can't do everything, but it's just not realistic.