My DD is 21 months old. We're definitely "one and done". I have no idea what has brough these dreams on now, but I have had them three plus nights in a row so I thought I would post about it.
I've been dreaming about being pregnant again. But this time I am well past the 28 weeks I made it to with DD (I would venture to say I'm full term in the dreams). I'm in various places/situations ... all that would make for a difficult eventual delivery ... and I start having contractions, or my water breaks, or I start to feel the baby moving around a lot and then drop. The dreams are so strange - odd lighting and imagry, strange groupings of people I know and don't know, weird situations I can't imagine being in, etc. I just don't understand why I keep having them.
Re: Strange dreams
Maybe you've been thinking about preemies so much and the emotional aspects surrounding your daughters birth - that your emotions and your hopes and fears are all combining to create dreams of a better experience or of what could have been, or whatever. Maybe you desire to have another baby but are fearful of the pregnancy or the inevitable struggles.
Who knows! My dreams typically stem from my emotional state of a certain topoic, and if I have many or mixed emotions about something my dreams turn out pretty wacky!
Have you been especially caught up lately in the topic of babies and preemies? Is someone you know having a preemie or a difficult pregnancy?