So, Co, esposa and I have the DC/Metro area covered and will do all things touristy and political with Jeebus.
I imagine happ and XBG will cover all things Big Apple.
Kap and Femme will take him to "pahk his cah in Havahd yahd."
Jodi will take him for a ride on Joe's new harley.
What are your plans?
Re: Jeebus' Pilgrimage
I keep getting the urge to run NYC marathon the week after MC, although, I know it's crazy. I could do a ceremonious pass off to our NYC girls at mile one or something...HAHAHA.
Oh, and if I run NYC, I need every nestie to give me $3, because I'd have to raise $3K to get the number at this point...
Neeser, FFG, Scuba, and I could take him cow tipping.
Maybe. IDK. Maybe not.
It *would* be fun, but Jesus might be expensive.
If you're willing to take him cow tipping, I'll get him to Kansas. No worries!
Ooh! That's a tough call. All would be hi-lar.
Speaking of TN - you know where pinny must go, right? Yep. Graceland!
It is getting him OUT of Kansas that would be my worry.
We could also do super trashy things, like eat tator tots, doritos, use corelle, ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK,
We could expose Jesus to Stull, KS....
Okay, that would just be wrong.
OF COURSE SHE MUST. I could also go west and hit up Nashville. We plan to spend some time there with friends this fall.
Speaking of Nashville, we have friends who live there and will be driving down while I'm maternity leave to visit. So, be ready for me to stop and visit in my way down, mkay?
Only if we can meet in Skidmore. hehehe. That is a funny name for a town. Sounds more like what I see in L's underpants these days.
Are there any towns half way inbetween?
No one says it has to happen in the next thirty days. We could do as much as we can and then when cool things pop up, like the derby, we can ship him out.
I just might start a Jeebus travel fund, for future Nestie adventures.
Yay! This is brilliant!
You're right. I don't think the derby is in my funding, either (although I'm really not sure how much it costs. I imagine it's a lot!). I just don't picture me in a big floppy hat, but it would be super cool to put Jesus in one!
That McDonalds in Rockport pisses me off....horrible staff!
Holy sh!t! I didn't think about that. LOL Unless Cleo can get him here like tomorrow, I don't know if that will happen. However, could you imagine him in the scrubs?
thats funny because I totally agree!!!! idiots....they are the ones who give midwest a bad name!
Jorie is the only one near me, so I don't know. ?Take him to Lake Michigan to swim? ?I work in a prosthetics clinic, I could put that boy in a helmet LOL
Annnnnd my PM is broke-ass at home so I have to pm my info Monday at work.
YES, he can sit right next to Manny. I could through my thong on his head for affect for the pic.
ETA: or 'THROW' it
This is a FAB idea.
E if someone in TN has Jeebus they need to take him to meet Dolly Parton! Im about 3hrs from Pigeon Forge (in va) and have family that live near there. (Sevierville, TN) I could make a drive down to have a GTG.