Baby Names

Boy name challenge - wanna play?

Aside from the fact that we are both very picky, DH and I are having a hard time with a name for our son because of his last name.  It is two syllables, and ends in -son (emphasis on the first syllable).  So, any two syallable name that ends in -en, -on, or -an sounds too rhymey.  Ethan, Kellen, Tristan, Evan, etc - all are out.

In addition, his last name starts with an S, so names ending with -s (Miles, Jonas, etc) are hard to say with the last name.

We don't want a super conventional name (John, William, Robert etc), but also don't want anything super trendy or made up sounding.

The only one we like right now is Ian, and that is kinda rhymey with his last name (but it's not so bad).

Names I like that might be good insipiration: Mason, Ian, Colin, Sam (not Samuel), Henry (DH doesn't like.).  I've tried nymbler but so far, no inspiration.

As you can see, we are hopeless :)

Help! and thanks...


I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.

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