
Throat WWYD?

Without getting into too much detail, it's pretty obvious that there's something wrong with my throat.  Too be honest, though, I'm not in that much pain.   I don't have a primary care doc....and am wondering if I should try to get into Urgent Care?  I just don't want to pass this to the kids.  WWYD?  Do I need to be seen?
L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage

Re: Throat WWYD?

  • If you think its something contagious like strep, I would go to urgent care right away.  It would stink if you kids got it.  Plus strep, if left untreated, can damage your heart.  I know someone who had strep and didn't go to the doctor and now she has permenant heart damage and has to take pills everyday.
  • Can you go to one of those Take Care clinics like they have at Walgreens now?  If you decide to go to one of those places (Urgent Care or Take Care) then I'd wait and see if you need to go later this weekend.  If you aren't in pain then it may be something minimal and why pay those prices to be told it's post nasal drip?!?  LOL.  I wouldn't worry about exposing the kids.  If it's something serious, they have likely already been exposed.
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  • I'd take sudafed (because usually with me it has something to do with sinus drip, even though I don't think so at first) and honey.
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