
watching old j&k +8 makes me sad

they wer ejust on the couch joking about the dogs and you could see the did like each other and were really laughing with each other. 

how does that just go away?

mom to Noel 3.17.07 Morgan 4.9.08 Taylor 10.27.10 Baby #4 Due in July mc 2.3.06

Re: watching old j&k +8 makes me sad

  • It makes me sad too :(  I don't know how it just goes away but it sure is sad when it does
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  • Me too. ?Sometimes I worry that DH will have this early-life crisis thing and feel like he needs to be 18 again.?
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  • It doesn't just go away.  It's stress and lacking knowing how to handle it and then that becomes aggravation and you take it out on each other and become resentful of each other.
  • I agree with Kitty.  8 kids has got to be stressful as all get out, especially when 6 are toodler/pre school age.  If you don't have the skills to deal with it, it will ruin any marriage. Add to that his laid back attitude about everything vs. her Type A nagging personality and you have a recipe for disaster.
  • I like the old episodes when the kids were little and J&K actually seemed to work together and have some fun and like each other.  Also, before all the freebies really started.  They were just a family and that was great!
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