Hi everyone! I got released from the hospital on Monday. I'm recovering pretty well from the c-section. The incision is a little tender, but not too bad.
The twins are doing just excellent considering they were born at 31 weeks. Both are breathing on their own with no tubes or oxygen. Both are receiving food through a tube in their nose and both seem to be digesting pretty well. Sometimes there residuals are a little high, but the doctors said it just takes time for them to learn how to digest well. Today they are hoping to take the catheter tubes out of their bellies.
Overall, the babies are doing just amazing! We've both gotten to hold them several times. They are just precious. They are technically 32 weeks this week. The neonatalogist said most babies go home around 36 weeks. So we are aiming for early September to bring them home.
It's been a crazy week. I visit them in the hospital every chance I get. I just love looking in and staring at them. I'll post my birth story later - it's pretty long!
Re: XP: Update
I am 30 weeks pregnant this week with twin girls and i am very scared that i will go early. I am laying down a lot and resting as much as possible but my constibation is realy bad and i am scared that it will cause me to go early. I can not wait to hear your birth story. Messages like yours give me confidence that if they decide to come early they will still be ok.
Thank you!!