
Need some encourgement please!

If I'm being a big baby, please let me have it.  I'm not sure if I am in touch with reality right now...

I'm 27 weeks now and I'm really struggling.  With my first pregnancy I could take a nap whenever I needed to.  With my 2nd pregnancy, I could hang out on the couch and watch DD play.  This 3rd pregnancy, which has been the hardest one by far, I have be on my toes all the time for my 2.5 yr old and my 17 mo old.  I can't seem to keep up with them or the daily cleaning.  I have bad varicose veins in my legs and also in my crotch which makes walking and standing for more than 10 minutes really painful.  I wear compression hose everyday to help, but they are sooo hot!  Its hot here in San Antonio so I can't take them outside after 9 am or I start sweating, which is really gross in those hose. 

My body tells me when I have done too much by cramping and then I try to lay down.  I really just want to lay on the couch all day, but I need to somehow entertain my girls and feed them and keep them from fighting.  I read Dr Luke's book and there is no way I can lay down as much as she recommends. 

Does anyone have any suggestions how to get through these last few months?  My mom has been helping me a bunch, thank goodness.  She is going out of town for 9 days and her trip happens to overlap with my husband's business trip.  So I will be alone with the girls for quite a few days - no breaks!!  I've already had one trip to L&D, so i'm terrified of another.  I need these boys to cook!!

Sorry this was so long, I can't even think straight.

Re: Need some encourgement please!

  • I was all prepared to tell you to suck it up when I saw the 27 weeks, THEN I saw that you are chasing two little ones and in SA (used to live there so I know the weather) and will be on your own for a week or so.  Ughhhh.  Do you have some friends who can pitch in and give you a hand?  Nice neighbors?  Random strangers?  I would be feeling pretty desperate by that point. Can you swing a cleaning person for a little while to at least give you a break in that regards?  Or just do what I do and let some of the cleaning slide for the sake of your health/sanity. 


    You could always look into a mother's helper situation for a few hours a day. 

  • I feel for ya.  How about getting a mother's helper for a few hours while you have no help.  I know it is tempting to push yourself but you have to take it easy.  The cost of hiring someone is well worth it if you get some extra rest.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Mommy to twin girls, Ashlyn & Fiona, born at 34 weeks due to vasa previa.
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  • Wow, I can't even imagine.  I'm in Austin so I feel you on the heat, but I'm just hauling around my 2 little guys.  I agree with everyone else.  Find someone to help you out even if it's just a few hours a day so you can get some rest.  Does San Antonio have a mother's of multiples group?  The Austin group is pretty active and I know they'd find some volunteers to help out in a situation like yours.  If San Antonio doesn't have a group, let me know.  I'll see if some of the members of the Austin group live far enough south (I know of at least one in New Braunfels) that they could try to help out.  You can email me at elizabeth at earthtech dot org

    When I was pregnant, some friends of ours told me to get help at any cost.  And if we couldn't afford it, go into debt.  Getting a helper seems like an investment that will pay off in the long run.

    After a PCOS dx, 18 months of trying, 3 rounds of clomid and 2 follistim IUIs our babies are here!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I agree with everyone else. I am pregnant with twin girls and i am 30 weeks along. I do not know what i would have done with out help. I have a 5 year old wich is a little bit better to manage but i have also hired a stay home nanny to help us out. It is worth all the money....If you can not hire someone ask some friends to come for a few hours a day. Good luck and take it easy... 

  • I'm in a similar situation with a 3-year-old and almost 1-year-old (tomorrow!).  It is very difficult compared to my other pregnancies.  My IL's are over an hour away and my parents are 1.5 hours, but IL's work full time and my parents still have my 11 year old brother and 14 year old sister at home with busy schedules.

    Has your 2.5 year old given up on naps?  It's really helpful on days when I can get both of mine to nap at the same time and I can put my legs up or even take a quick nap.

    My hubby also helps out a ton when he's home.  He does the dishes and laundry, which takes a load off my poor back!

    We're going to be posting an ad in our local university's newspaper soon to hopefully find a regular helper who we trust could help out toward the end of the pregnancy and after the twins come.  We'll see!!  I want to be prepared with someone I'm comfortable with in case I end up needing to limit activity or on bedrest.

    Can't think of much else... but I feel your pain!!  I try to just get through each day, stay positive, and remember that the craziness will only last so long : )

  • omg you have your handsfull!!!! GL there!


    as far as "entertaining" your girls ... try to think of "games" that require you to sit n relax .... play "beauty shop" ypu are the client ... or "camping" and make a tent in front of the TV ....  these are the things my Fam members did when they were to "pooped" to play with the kids

  • I've been there, but luckily not with such hot weather or a husband out of town.  Just remember (and I know it's very hard!!) that this time will pass.  A mother's helper for a couple hours a day will be a little expensive, but worth it to avoid a PTL situation or the NICU time that may come if you push yourself too hard.

    I agree with the PP about finding games that you can play with your girls.  Some other suggestions:  Play "doctor" where you're the patient and you get to lay down.  Can you swim?  Even a little pool or a water table in your backyard would entertain your girls while you can sit and rink lemonade :)  I really hope for your sake that your 2.5 year old still takes naps - try to coordinate their naps so you have at least a little time to sit down or doze off yourself.

    Good luck!  Keep them babies cooking (literally, in that heat!) and try to enjoy your last few weeks with your girls before you have two more little ones in the picture!

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    Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)

  • Thanks everyone for taking the time to respond.  Looks like I need to get a mother's helper to come over during the crazy time - 3p to 6p or so.  I'm also thinking about having a neighbor come over and do some of the cleaning and heavy lifting for me.  Her husband is out of work and I get the idea that they could use some extra money (not that we have a lot of it).  The price of some help now is much less than the cost of NICU time or the risks that come with having premature babies.


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