
If your water breaks before you go into labor..

Do they still try to deliver within 24 hours? Or is that old school. My sil's water broke yesterday around 5pm and she didn't show much progress this morning.

Re: If your water breaks before you go into labor..

  • Hmm when I was induced and they broke my water the Dr said there is no turning back either way the baby will be born within 24 hours.  That was 3 years ago so it may have changed
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • My water broke and I wasn't have contractions.  They gave me pitcion to get things moving.
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  • when my water broke, I wasn't making any progress even on pitocin, so they took mason c-section because it was almost 24 hours since my water broke..
  • I think it depends on the situation. I know people who have had their water break very early (before 30 weeks), and they will hospitalize them, give them antibiotics and monitor them, but try to wait to deliver the baby as long as they can. If you're term, or close to it, they want to deliver within 24 hours, though, I think.
    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • imagepatty78:
    My water broke and I wasn't have contractions.  They gave me pitcion to get things moving.

    same here. 

  • Yes.  My water broke with DS at 11 am, labor didn't start till 4 pm.  At the hospital they were very concerned that I knew for certain the time when my water had broken for that reason.
    DS - June 2006 DD1 - November 2007 DD2 - August 2010
  • imagepatty78:
    My water broke and I wasn't have contractions.  They gave me pitcion to get things moving.


    THis for me

  • You can get a very serious infection if they don't. With DS#1, my water started leaking at 5am on Sat morning. I went to the hospital and they sent me home because they said my water wasn't leaking. DS wasn't born until 4pm on Sunday and by then I was very sick running a 104 degree fever and DS was also born with the same infection. It was not a good thing and we had to stay in the hospital an extra couple of days. It was very bad, because basically the hospital fucked up. Had I been older, I would have known better, but I was only 20 y/o and mistakenly trusted the dr's.
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    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
  • My water broke before I went into labor (7 years ago) and they wanted to deliver within 24 hours because of the chance of infection.
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