
Do you think she'll ever PT?

We didn't push it before the baby came b/c we figured Jillie would regress.

About 6 weeks after he was born, she showed an interest and peed on the potty and was so excited. Then she had an accident and it's like she completely lost interest/developed a fear. To the point where she stresses herself out EVERY time she pees, even in a diaper. She's had two little anxiety attacks where she tried to hold it in.

I'm starting to think we're in for it. I made a deal not to mention it to her for a couple of weeks because the more we mention it, the more she panics.

Any ideas? I really thought she was going to be ready before this and now it's getting kind of silly, since she can change herself and can walk me through the steps of using a potty.

Re: Do you think she'll ever PT?

  • Can you just pick a day, lets say next week and tell her, next Friday is your last day in diapers, and remind her every day until then. Take her to pick out her own big girl underwear and just go cold turkey on that day.

    We put B in underwear and kept her in them (other than naps and bed) we didn't leave the house for 2 days. Day 1 she had accidents pretty much all day, day 2, not as many, just a few. Day 3 she was done. She's now night time PT'd as well, but that was her own doing.

  • Based on how she's been acting when we ask her if she wants to do it once, I'm a little afraid to go cold turkey.

    Three people this week have told me stories of their children flinging poop at them in anger. I seriously can't take that right now. LOL.

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  • umm gross! What are they, chimps?

    I think when you are both ready, give it a shot. To me, any other way is just too confusing.

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