Ok, this is probably going to get a tag long, so I apologize.
DH has this friend from high school (he's still friends with all those guys) whom I really do not care for and feel as though I have a legitimate reason.
When said friend was still in college (quite a few of the guys went to the same place), he and a frat brother had a tad too much to drink and tossed a puppy of a bridge into freezing cold water. Of course, the puppy died.
He was kicked out of school, and there were a few other repercussions as well. He wasn't my favorite person before this, but I was ok with him. After this happened, I honestly want nothing to do with him. If DH does, fine, but I don't even want to hear about him. In fact, I've basically refused to go to his wedding (not a fan of the fiance either for various reasons, some related to this same issue.)
Everyone says he's really a good guy and got scr*wed when all this went down. It's not like he's ever denied he did it. I think the puppy may have been ill, but SO WHAT?
Re: NPR - Am I being unreasonable or judgmental?
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Anyone that would think killing an innocent puppy is a good idea, alcohol or not, is not a good person in my book. Sorry, but that just shows a complete lack of respect for life IMO. I really don't believe in asking your spouse to terminate a friendship, but this is a situation where I might consider doing just that.
People that can hurt animals like that really freak me out.
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
So sorry, Brew.
Thanks, ladies. I know it frustrates DH that I feel this way. Everyone kept trying to say that this was out of character, blah blah blah. But I really just don't give a hot d*mn. I don't know anyone else who pulled a stunt like that.
His now fiance sent out a mass e-mail back then asking everyone to be supportive and I think even sign some kind of petition. Some mess about how a guy in a nearby city stabbed some guy on the street and only got 3 years in prison, and how scewed it was, wasn't fair blah blah blah.
Yes, the other guy should have gotten way way more time, but you can't use a messed up system to make excuses for this.
Oh, there is definitely a part of me that wants to ask DH not to have any contact with him, but it would cause HUGE issues in our relationship.
There are a couple other friends of his that I'm not fond of for various reasons, but nothing NOTHING like this. And I keep it to myself. This one is very hard for me though. Makes me sick every time I think about it.
And he and my SIL recently were trying to help him get a job, at my SIL's employer. WTF?!
No way no how would I be friends with that guy. That is f*'d up.
I would 100% judge him and not want my kids around him - animal killers are usually sociopatic personalities. To play devil's advocate - how long ago was it and how has he supposedly changed? If the only think people can say is that he got a bad wrap and not that he has changed and something like that would never happen again and a lot of years have passed, then I might say to try to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Not that it's the same thing but my step-daughter once tried to tell me that 3 boys she was a senior in high school with who did a smash and grab at a liquor store...she said they were "good kids who made a mistake". Um, no, good kids do not do that, maybe they will turn into good adults one day but not a month after the crime!