
Moms of 2 or more

Did your older kid(s) get "pushy" with the baby?  Lately my 2 year old is pushing him over when the baby is doing tummy time.  She's poking him, or hitting him.  Right in plain view of me.  I was holding him and he was crying and she came up and hit him and told him to stop crying.

I've done the whole "remember when you were hit by your friend thing" and time outs and she still does it.

I don't leave them alone.  I don't know what to do.  Is this normal?

Re: Moms of 2 or more

  • My 2.5 year old doesn't do that, but she does try to pick her up all the time.

    I would imagine it's pretty common though.  You just need to keep reminding her.

  • It's been recent that DS pushes DD.  He gets time out and has to apoligize to her.  I always make sure he knows it was wrong to push anyone.  It's so hard to see him being mean to her.
    DS - June 2006 DD1 - November 2007 DD2 - August 2010
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  • My DD is 2.3 and my DS is 4 months, and YES she is violent with him.  She is ONLY rough with him, DH and me, never her friends.  But she will poke the baby's eyes, push him, and even walked up while I was holding him once and BIT his bare feet.  We've done time outs, talking, etc and it is slowing down, but about a month ago it was unbearable.  Then, she started asking me, "but what can I do instead (of hitting/biting/etc)?" and I realized she's just having trouble controlling all of her complicated feelings about the baby, so we talk a lot about other options for expressing herself.  I also grab her hands and put her hands in "time out" until she can figure out a better way to use them.  This is working a bit better than other stuff we tried. 
  • It's been a constant wrestling match in my house since DS learned to crawl.  Now he's learned to hit back and all hell is breaking loose.

    We've tried a lot of things (time outs, being sent to their room, talking about what to do instead of hitting, redirection, sticker charts, etc).  So far, nothing really works consistently.  It's an ongoing process...

    DD1 - 12.25.05
    (m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
    DS - 03.15.08
    DD2 - 12.03.09
    DD3 - 3.28.11
  • No, weve never had that problem.  Our older kids have always been really good when a new little one entered the home :)
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