

DD is 2.5, she uses a paci only at home, only for naps and bedtime.  She doesn't use it at daycare for naps.

I would like to have her get rid of it before the baby comes (and has a paci).

When do you think I should do it? 

Honestly, I am scared that it will take her a lot longer to fall asleep/nap and stay asleep during the night.  I am not sure it will be too dramatic for her.


  • imageisabella22:

    Honestly, I am scared that it will take her a lot longer to fall asleep/nap and stay asleep during the night.? I am not sure it will be too dramatic for her.

    This will most likely happen, but it will only last a couple of weeks. ?The paci fairy came to our house. ?I wrote a whole little book about it that we read everyday for about a month before it happened. ??

  • I worry about this...I can't bring myself to take wyatts, but I want to...

    can you try to maybe put a hole in it, and slowly make it less desireable?

    then maybe it'll be easier to hand over to the paci fairie?

    I bet it would be a rough 3 or 4 nights, then she'll be fine? it that wishful thinking...?


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  • DD really only had problems for 2 nights, and then it was all over.  Nowhere near as painful as I thought it would be. I would give her enough time between taking the paci and the new baby.  If you don't she may just take it from the baby. 
  • My niece was very attached to her pacifier.  My sister told her that they were putting them in a box and mailing them to the babies that need them.  They put them in a box, put the box on the front step and my bil snuck around and got them.

    It was hard at first for her to go to sleep, but my sister was matter of fact about it.  Maybe another lovey could be put in place of the pacifier box that gets sent to the mail, like a small stuffed animal that she can take to bed for comfort.

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  • B has been in love with her paci since the day she was born and if she gave it up, anyone can. She too only used it for naps/bed and at three, we bit the bullet. I told her about the paci fairy for about a month prior. The day of her bday, she didn't nap and we knew she'd be exhausted so that night, we told her the paci fairy was coming and she was so tired, she went to sleep without it. We never looked back.

    It has taken longer for her to fall asleep and if she wakes up lets say 7 instead of her usual 8, she'd stay up. When she had the paci she'd easily fall back asleep. Now, after a few months of no paci she's almost back to the way she was. Except she still takes too long to fall asleep but she's always been like that.

  • XBG - it's your story that worries me!  I think our DDs are a lot alike re sleep and I think that is what is going to happen to DD too.

    I think I am going to try not giving it to her at night and see if she asks for it...

  • If she's anything like my DD, she WILL ask for it.

    That's why I kept warning her beforehand. And leading up to it, i'd ask "maybe you want to let the fairy come tonight" and she'd always say "is it my birthday" and I'd say NO, and she'd say "NO"


  • My dd was almost 2.5 when we she lost her last one and that was that.  The paci fairy came that night.  I will tell you the first week was horrible.  The first night she didn't fall asleep until 1, and woke up at 2:30, 3:30 and up at 6:30 with no nap the next day.  It has gradually gotten better and now she is fine with no paci.  It did take about 3 weeks for her nap and sleep to go smoothly. 
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