We recently moved and in the process, our stroller was damaged. It was the Kolcraft Contours 3 wheel, so not a jogger, but I'd like to replaced the broken one with a jogger.
I tried posting this on the 12-24 month board but got totally ignored, so I thought I'd try here!
Anyone have any recommendations? I'm debating on whether or not I want to do something like a Phil & Ted's or BOB so that I can get the doubles kit or if I just want to get a more inexpensive jogger for now.
What do you love/hate about your jogger? Thanks!
ETA: I'd also like something that folds easily and will fit in the trunk of a Nissan Altima.
Re: XP: Jogging stroller recs?
I love our Baby Jogger. It folds better than our midsize stroller (and handles better too.) We got ours in 2006 and have had zero problems. I think Baby Jogger now has the Summit 360 that is their jogger.
Also, I've heard nothing but good things about the BOB.
BOB revolution. I love everything about it. The only thing I don't like? That I didn't buy it when DD was an infant; we bought it when she was 18 months.
It is worth every single penny. DH and I are serious penny pinchers, which is the only reason we waited. And even DH, who can be a total tightwad, agreed we should have bought it sooner.
I have a Jetta and it folds up fine for my trunk.
Check out REI. Join their co-op for a one-time fee and get a 20% off coupon for any full price item. And if you ship it to your local REI, free shipping.
EDIT: oh, and the resale value is phenominal. If you list it on craigslist, it will be gone w/in a few hours of the posting for about 60-70% of the retail. Trust me, I tried getting one on craigslist and it is impossible!
Christmas 2011