Hi mommies,
My friend's baby is 5 weeks early and still in the NICU. I want to help her because I am assuming it will be rough when they get home. What will she need most? She has lots of family so I don't think she'll want physical support...I was thinking books to advise on how to care for preemies, (I did Babywise and that had helped me with a big 8 lb. baby), or some special clothes, blankets, bottles, anything??
Hope all you preemie mommies are getting some rest and recovering with your beautiful babies.
Re: Friend's baby 5 weeks early-what presents will help her?
I have a blog post about it, although it's geared towards mamas with longer NICU stays (a 35 weeker probably won't be in the NICU long unless there are additional health concerns). Hope it helps!
I would not get her babywise.
I would get her some preemie clothes, a preemie swaddle me, preemie diapers (pampers swaddlers are great), gift cards for food, or bring her meals.
I thought Babywise was great and Addie was just about 35 weeks, I think that would be a great idea! I didn't read it until she was a couple months old though...
And the NICU told us not to bother with preemie diapers because they weren't very absorbant and leaked a lot... they said to just use newborn and fold them over, so I don't know that I would get anyone preemie diapers, unless their baby was smaller for 35 weeks...