I'm just curious if what I do is "bad". The boys usually wake up at about 7am or a little after. I don't get them "up" until between 7:30-8am because they usually just play and "talk" together. Miles will put toys in Jonas' crib and take toys back to his bed to play. They laugh, they have a good time...so I sleep a little longer.
Anyone else?
Re: s/o...Do you get your child(ren) as soon as they wake?
I would probably do the same thing if I could, but my older dd comes right to our room and younger dd yells "mammmaaaa" & "daaaddddaaaa" until we get her.
He typically wakes around 8 but I let him play until he starts calling mommmmmmmmy! Which is usually after about 20 mins of playing.
My 3 year old just started to get up and sit in the living room. I'll just hear him out there playing.
My baby sleeps with me so she's bashing me over the head as soon as she's awake. She goes from a deep sleep to wide awake and ready to go.
If DD wakes up early, we have told her that she can play quietly in her room or the playroom until the clock says 8am. Then she can come get us. She LOVES being able to "tell time" and play on her own.
DS will wail if we don't get him within .0007 nanoseconds of waking up.
(m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
DS - 03.15.08
DD2 - 12.03.09
DD3 - 3.28.11
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.