
First day of Kindergarten is tomorrow.

help me with ideas to make it a fun day.  And I'm not bringing her....DH I want some extra special stuff.

1. (thanks to krisbri) I'm making Tay her favorite breakfast....kris said she has a tradition of making rolls every year.

2. I'm drawing a heart on her hand to remind her I"m thinking of her and always love her.

3. I'm thinking of putting a note in her backpack???

What else? if anything?


Re: First day of Kindergarten is tomorrow.

  • Did she get a special outfit to wear? If not, maybe let her pick something out.

    Maybe have a special treat waiting for her when she gets home? LIke a favorite snack/treat or a fun toy or something like that?

    You have such sweet ideas.

    I had no idea school started in early August in some places. Yikes!!

  • oh yeah, we have the first day of school outfit...and backpack.

    I know, its WAYYYY to early.  Its still is early and I hate it.

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  • A note in her lunchbox. 

    Homemade cookies for when she gets home. 

    Some Xanex for mom-I will be beside myself lol!  Just kidding about the Xanex, kind of.  

    Madelyn 3/1/07 image, Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • imageamanda&rob:


    Some Xanex for mom-I will be beside myself lol!  Just kidding about the Xanex, kind of.  

    I've already started...I took one last night before the open house because I was afraid seeing the classroom I'd get teary.  And I'm glad I did.  Then my mom brought over a book.....llama, llama misses Mama....and I about got teary reading that.  Stupid back to school book.

  • Wow, where is she going? OPS and PLV don't start till next week!
    photos by jennied photography

    Alissa Jean

  • Millard.

    I think Millard and Gretna both start tomorrow.

  • nope, gretna is next week...I was going off what my neice said..she said she started school this week too, but she was wrong!  hahahaha.

    not sure why Millard is so

  • That is early! Alissa starts at PLV next Tues for a 1/2 day, then full days afterwards.
    photos by jennied photography

    Alissa Jean

  • A special note or treat in her lunch box is a good idea, I also like the special snack after school, or maybe her favorite dinner or dessert?

    Wow, 1st day of kindergarten!  I remember that with Kevin.  I was fine (becuase I felt like I had to be) until he got on the bus and then I cried!  It's such a huge day for both of you. 

  • share the book the kissing hand.  i know it will make me feel better next year when matt goes. 

    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • I just saw a book called "The Night Before Kindergarten." Looks sweet.

    If you can't get it today, maybe just a special book about starting school (there are millions...)

    It would also be cute to record some sort of journal entry with her thoughts on the big day.

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