19 hr car ride
Traveling in a Honda...effing miss my Expedition
2-3 car ride
MIL + FIL = big house but only 1 bathroom
7-9 days of fun filled family time with no technology
If Miles says "hey mom" one more time my head may explode.
............if I am not back in 12 days, someone send a search party.
Re: shoot me now........................
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
God bless you!
hey mom. hey mom. hey mom.
That's all I hear all day long.
I'll pray for you... it sounds like a rough trip.
I am 7 minutes from buying me and Emilia a plane ticket.
I don't think want to be stuck on a plane with her for 6 hours... That could be worse!
Just think of all of the fun family bonding you get to do! Yipeeeeee!! ;-)