
Anyone here ever gone back to work after their child is 3+ years old?

I always said I would go back to work 'eventually'.  I've recently been talking with someone about a part-time (30 hour) job but it's an hour away so I'm letting it go.  

But, my problem is that after being home with my son for 3 years (exactly - it's his birthday today!)....I really can't imagine leaving him.  I know I'd be devastated to leave my 10 month old, but my 3 year old is very introverted and used to his routine.  I think he'd be REALLY sad if I all of a sudden started bringing him to daycare. It's already really really hard for him every monday when DH leaves for work. He travels so DS doesn't see him again until he wakes up on Friday morning.

Has anyone ever stayed home until their child was a toddler and then put them in daycare? How was the transition?


Re: Anyone here ever gone back to work after their child is 3+ years old?

  • I wish I could be at home with DD.  I just read this and didn't want to be rude and not write anything.  It may help your DS become more flexible with his routine if he goes to daycare.  Not saying routine is bad because at that age they need it but maybe he would be able to adjust to new situations better.  KWIM?
  • Thanks for responding.  I do feel 'lucky' that I'm staying home but we always wanted for me to go back so we can start saving for our kids educations, major home improvements, etc.  I still want another child so I figured I'd go back when the 3rd (and last) is 2-3 years old but now I just can't imagine it.

    I do everything I can to get DS out there and into social situations. Swim classes, music classes, play dates, parks, museums, etc.  He's not that bad - just REALLY slow to get used to something new.  He starts preschool in the fall so I'm sure he'll be ok.


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  • doing so tomorrow. she'll be 3 in december.  But I subbed occasionally during the 2007-2008 school year.
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