Right now all that seems to fit are the athletic type sandals a size larger than what I'm used to. Normally I wouldn't care, but I just found out I have a job interview this week. (yes, insane in itself at 32 wks pg with twins...they might not even notice what I have on my feet)
Any recommendations for what style shoes to attempt or if a size or two larger or in wide might work? Not only are my ankles swollen, but my feet are 'taller' than they used to be. I hate shopping lately and really don't want to spend all day in the dept. so even if this is a lame question, any suggestions would be appreciated.
*Siggy Warning*
About me 2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!
Re: Any shoe recs for swollen feet?
I had pre-eclampsia so my feet swelled like crazy... even before I stopped working... so I bought these:
in a size larger than I usually wear... and also a pair of brown flats that were cloth... and a pair of sneakers with the stretchy stuff on top... those were not as comfy as the flats though!
I got the crocs malindi. I could use them at work and since they are made our of this rubber material it expand. So comfortable.
I hope you feel better.
Personally, I wouldn't wear crocs to a job interview. Maybe if you can find some kind of soft leather slip-on a size bigger, you can ease your feet out of them if you need to.
Good luck on your interview!