MH and I have been trying to have a baby for two years. There is like a one in a million chance that I'll ever get pregnant and carry to term. We have decided to adopt. SO, I go out and buy books, look up websites, find out state laws and regulations, look for agencies, make lists of pros and cons of different types of adoption. About once a week I share it with DH. The other night I brought it up again, the question, "So when are we seriously going to sit down and make some decisions as to what to do and start our home study?"
I have explained every step of the way to him. He doesn't want to do research and just wants me to bookmark the important pages of books with "stuff he has to know."
I went through this with fertility treatments. He didn't know a damn thing, I had too look up EVERYTHING. Now he is saying things like, " the next few months we will figure out what to do and maybe look into a few places."
I have explained to him that once we decide, it will take months to even get an appointment to do a home study, to put together all of our information, and even longer time to be ready to adopt. THEN there is the waiting period for a match. I DO NOT WANT TO PUT THIS OFF ANOTHER SIX MONTHS.
I have asked him over and over again if he is on board with this. He says yes. He was the one who initiated the adoption conversation after the failed fertility treatments. He seems to think that if we give it a few more months "on our own" we'll get pregnant and "won't need to do this."
I have read him so many articles. I have had him speak to our doctor and hear from his mouth that it is HIGHLY unlikely that I will get pregnant. I don't know what he is waiting for. I am tired of waiting. I want to have a family and the longer we put off looking and starting paperwork, the longer that will take.
I just had to vent. Thanks.
Re: New and very frustrated with attitude
It sounds like he is in denial about having a biological child. Moving to adoption might mean closing the door on that for him. Have you tried having a heart to heart about that? Good luck, this is so hard when you're both not at the same place emotionally.
Ditto the pps. I was ready a good 6+ months before DH was. I read all sorts of things and he just wanted to learn the highlights by osmosis. I had 3 m/c's and he seemed to think we could just keep having more until one eventually stuck.
It turned out he had a big fear of the homestudy process, and it took him talking to people at agencies about the details before he finally felt ready to take the next steps.
Have you looked into any informational seminars in your area, or even through other agencies outside your area? I think has one every so often. Sometimes they need to learn through a different venue than just a book.
I don't know about places around you, but once we sent in our application it took a week or 2 to start our homestudy, and several weeks (not months) to get our paperwork together. I think the key phrase you used was "ready to adopt". He may just not be ready, and you'll have to wait. I know it's hard, but it will be worth it to have you both on the same page before you go through the process.
Good luck and vent away.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your helpful responses. I don't want to keep badgering him about it. He is very open to adoption itself (his oldest sister is adopted) but I do think he is in denial about never having a biological child.
Believe it or not, tonight he said to me, "Do you want to watch a movie tonight or maybe look at the adoption stuff together?" So I jumped at that chance. He read the "Idiots Guide to Adoption" book. It was good. He did that for about an hour while I researched what specific steps we have to take online. We were together, but separate. I wasn't explaining everything to him, but I wasn't alone. KWIM?
So...after that he commented on how daunting it sounds, but how we'll get through it. I still think it will go slower than I'd like, but we're getting somewhere.
Thanks so much again for your replies. I should be on here more as time passes.
That's great! And that's exactly how it's been with my DH throughout. We even had to work out a system for getting his autobiography done. I didn't want to be the nag, but I wanted him to keep it top of mind. We settled on him setting a final date to get it done, and I let him bring it up when he was in the frame of mind to work on it. Just like you said, it took longer than I wanted, but we got it done.
I hope things continue to move forward for you!
I know I'm jumping into this a little late (darn work), but I wanted to help. My DH was open to adoption. He brought it up first, like yours, then dropped it. I immediately jumped into researching our options. Knowing my DH, I realized that I could not talk about every little thing I found. Instead, as I was getting more information and contacting agencies, I would say "I'm thinking about going to this info session. Before I get too far down the path with research, I want to make sure that this is something you really want to do." He would say yes, he really wanted to adopt. Then I would invite him to join me at the session.
One of my friends who was adopting said that it is very common for the woman to do most of the adoption research and paperwork. She said that she was the one who had to keep the process moving forward. She also said, however, that whe she read her husband's autobiography and staments about WHY he wanted to adopt, she knew that he was absolutely ready.
My suggestion is to keep doing your research, and give your husband time. He will come around. It sounds like he is already starting to anyway. Good luck!
You have to wait for him to come around.
We discussed adoption before we married and he closed the door after we were married about a year saying that we would just raise my DD & DS. Then when a family member called and mentioned that another family member that has a history of drug abuse had a child he offer to take the child if they ran out of options. Two months later they told us that the child was going to be placed for adoption and he said that we would take her without asking me first. Then he told me what he had done and said this is what we wanted right.
It will work work itself out.