My son had already been born at this point AND he was over 9lbs! My doctor told me today that DD is "high" and I'm not dilated at all. To make matters worse, he wants to check next time to make sure she's still head down. I do NOT want a c-section. God, I hope she stays head down. If I can have a 9lb baby just fine without a c-section, hopefully this one won't be that bad either.
I thought the second one was supposed to come earlier!!!!
Re: 36 week appointment depressed me today....
ditto!! My 36weeker was 6 1/2 lbs....
How big is she measuring? If they think she's big, and you've had a history of big babies, won't they induce?
Not to make you feel bad, but my first was 2 weeks early and my second came the day before her due date. They were both the exact same size at birth. I thought for sure I'd have my second 2 weeks early and was so mad I didn't.
I hope everything works out for you!
My first was 6 days early and my second was 2 days late..... not true about the second being earlier in my case either and boy was I perturbed!
You know unless it is a level 2 U/S to determine weight of a baby, it isn't accurate at all and can be off by two pounds.