Hello to all the multiple mommies,
Wednesday morning I will FINALLY see my doctor for the first time. She will serve as my OB and peri for the remainder of my pregnancy. I hadn't seen an OB up to now.. just my family doc once for a blood draw.
I had all kinds of ideas for things I wanted/needed to know, but figured I would write them down as the day got closer. Of course, I've now forgotten most of my questions.
What types of things should I ask? My twins are sharing a placenta but have their own amniotic sacs. I'll be 12 weeks along as of my appointment. Thank you for your suggestions!
Re: 1st Meeting w/Peri.. what should I ask?
Not sure if you saw my post a few days ago about this... but you could ask if they could check an NT scan for possible risk of twin-to-twin transfusion. My peri did this and ended up telling us our risk was low.
Ask what schedule they recommend for ultrasounds, pre-term labor checks, etc. to make sure that they align with your OB's plans.
We also noticed that our peri's office has much better u/s machines than our OB's office so we're having our "big" u/s at 20 weeks done with our peri. You might want to ask if your peri will do yours.
Thanks jacobandcrystel.. I DID see that post the other day, and that's one of the things I know I need to ask about, as my NT scan is the day before I see the peri. I won't have an OB.. the peri I'm seeing will me it for me. Thanks for the reminder about appointment scheduling.. that's definitely something I want to do ahead of time if I can, to align with my work schedule.
Thanks again!