I am 38 weeks today and pregnant with twins. My doctor has no intention of inducing or doing a c-section till I am exactly 40 weeks unless there is a medical reason. Right now the babies and I are both healthy and I'm showing no significant signs of going into labor. Did anyone else make it to 38 weeks or past? How big were your babies?
Re: Making it past 38 weeks?
CONGRATS that is wonderful!!!!
I made it to 37 weeks but my ob was only letting me go to 38.5 weeks.
I don't have an answer for you, but BLESS YOU! You are a hero in my book. I have 3 weeks to go to REACH 38 weeks and know that's my "end". Your little ones will be truly ready to enter the world! (My OB is a mother of twins and thinks that 37 weeks is ideal for a twin pregnancy, but she won't induce until 38 weeks unless medically necessary.)
I had an induction at 37W6days that failed. I decided to go home, hoping to start labor on my own, but we ended up deciding on a c-section at 38W3days after our NST that day showed some decels in both babies. As far as labor progression I had absolutely none at that point: no dilation, effacement, change in station and my fluid levels were still good for both babies. My babies were 6lbs7oz and 6lbs10oz.
Congrats on making it to 38weeks! Hope those babies decide to come on their own soon!! GL
This. My Peri won't let me go past 37 weeks but my twins are identical and share a placenta so I guess there are more issues. GL and hope all goes well!!!