i went to elementary, middle, high school, and church with this boy who was a major nerd who is now living a life (via fb and twitter) that he thinks will redeem him to all the popular girls who wronged him. it's disgustingly obvious. throws money on his updates and such just so you know.
anyway - he has 1,930 friends on fb!!!! holy crap. i thought i had a lot at 330.
sadly, as far as i know, he doesnt have any true, close friends. maybe one or two from elementary school. i just saw his parents at my sisters wedding a few weeks ago - they also said he's lonely
Re: 1,930 friends on FB!!!!! WTF!!!
thank you for input.
he was contemplating a move back to a town closer to home...they were explaining that one of the pros would be that he would be closer to them because he doesn't have a lot of friends and is lonely in the town where he is.
they didnt just say "hey - john is lonely he's got no one". they are nice people
not sure why people have a problem with this post . . ?? strange
anyway, that is a crazy # of friends - can you imagine what the "home page" would look like in that case? I don't think I could have that many friends if I added everyone I'd ever heard of LOL
maybe you should feel bad for me
I don't understand what's flammable about this post.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.