Did you get convertible cribs for your boy/girl twins? I have been hearing that you don't need to really get those if they are different sexes and if they will eventualy go in different rooms? It would be nice to save the money later down the road on beds but I know if I was having boy/girl twins (we find out on Monday) if I wouldn't want white furniture for the boy. Any suggestions or what did you do for your boy/girl twins?
Re: Convertible Cribs
We are having b/g and bought convertible. We don't plan on keeping them past toddler bed stage tho - it just so happened that they were the style/color/price we wanted. We bought convertibles with our older two as well - but they are much better quality and we will try to use those when we split the boys/girls in a couple years.
This. ?We got ones that only go to toddler beds so we'll have them for a little while, but we are having identical twins so they will likely share a room, unless we can get a bigger house someday (hopefully). ?I didn't like that most of the convertible ones typically went to full size headboards/footboards and we would likely only want single beds for the kids til they are much older and by then we would buy another bed.?
we bought a convertible crib for dd...she is still using it of course, but when she moves into her big girl bed, one of the twins will get it. we also got a hand me down crib that is white and not a convertible...but the girls will eventually share a room, if there is space of course. and the cribs wont match, but oh well!
the idea of the convertible is good, but i say its personal preference on what you guys want and what you will use down the road.