The bouncy seat that I had for DS was just a Graco one that matched the print from all of our other gear, but it sits very upright and I think that won't work as well for DD. What kind of bouncy seat do you have for your little one? I was thinking that maybe the boppy one would work well, because it seems to cradle around the baby.
Re: bouncy seat
We have the boppy one and she loves it. She didn't at first, but now we use it all the time when we are feeding her. But beware...she is starting to try to get up and move, and she can put her feet at the bottom and "stand" in it, so it could be very dangerous!! We are off to the store today to pick up a high chair!
But it has been great! I definitely recommend it!
we have 2 because one was given to us. One was a FP one with lights and stuff.. he likes that one because of the lights but that's about it.
The other one was a By-Your-Side bouncer and it was great. it also cradles them, but it also has 4 settings from laying completely back to mostly sitting up.. he slept in that one forever.
My Blog
My favorite for Evan (even when he came home at 3lbs 4oz) was the Rainforest Bouncer. It's the most interactive as well as the easiest for them to use when they are really tiny and really weak. My second favorite is the Laugh & Learn Playful Puppy bouncer. These two were my primary bouncers and the boys slept in them for the first 10mos of life after their time in the NICU because of severe reflux.
We also had two of the Ocean Wonders Aquarium which was okay too but the arch was not as nice. We also had the Kick & Play bouncy as well but that one is VERY upright and not suitable for babies with no neck and torso control.
If the bouncer is too big you can use a couple of rolled receiving blankets snugged up on either side of the baby, and if the chair is too upright causing their chin to tip downward you can take another receiving blanket and fold it a little thicker and put it under their back just at shoulder height which will allow the head to tip back a little better. If your baby has a bad case of toaster head like mine did ( where the head is very flat on both sides but bulbous on the back so they can't lay with their face pointed towards the ceiling) just take a small receiving blanket rolled loosely and put it under their neck above the shoulders to work as a neck pillow.