
how accurate is info?

I am having my elbow surgery on Tuesday and I was reading through info on about being able to nurse soon after surgery but after my first surgery they said I need to wait 24 hrs.  Just wondering what people thought of the info on that website.

Re: how accurate is info?

  • I trust them.  They always seem well-researched and rely heavily on Dr., Hale, who is THE expert when it comes to BF and medicines.  Usually the articles on there have medical citations that you can read independent of their site.
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • Two additional sources to check:

    The first is the National Institute of Health site and the latter is Dr. Hale's forum for medical profesisonals - you can't post unless you're a medical profesisonal, but you can search/read the posts as a guest :)

    In general, I do also put a lot of faith in kellymom, too.

    One option would be to  pump a bunch ahead of time, use that milk to feed after surgery, then if you later find out that milk is/was safe, you won't have "wasted" it.

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  • Are problem is he won't drink from anything but me and still isn't eating much solid foods so I am pumping and we are attempting having him drink from a regular cup that seems to be our best bet so far.
  • Yes, KM is accurate. I had to have surgery 3 weeks after DS was born. They said I needed to wait 24 hours to nurse again and I questioned it. That Dr asked another Dr who said they "thought" it was 24 hours but they'd double (triple?) check. They finally got hold of a pharmacist who said that all I needed to do was pump and dump after waking up from the surgery and then it would be fine to nurse again. The drugs they use to put you out are out of your system by then (which is why you wake up). The Dr even admitted that Drs in general know very little about medications and BF and that pharmacists know much more and typically when they say "24 hours" they only say that because they're not sure if sooner is ok and dont bother to find out.
  • Kelly is a board certified LC.

    I trust everything on her website.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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