Andersen has a bunch of food allergies, once of which is peanuts. Our pedi told us to get all nuts out of the house, but we're living with my parents right now and that's just not going to happen -- my dad is far too selfish. He thinks I'm overreacting about the allergy, but I'm not being crazy about it. I ask people to wash their hands before touching DS if they've had nuts and ask that they don't eat nuts while holding him, but I really don't think I'm being overzealous.
I just picked AJ up from his nap. I worked this morning and my mom watched him. I noticed he had something stuck to his shirt -- it was a whole freaking PEANUT. It must have come from one of those Sweet & Salty bars because it was coated in something sticky.
He's really fussy and his face is all red. He doesn't seem to be having any breathing issues, but his eyes are red-rimmed and watery and he's been rubbing them non-stop.
I don't know how to make them understand that they need to be careful.
Re: HOW do I get through to them???