3rd Trimester

I'm sorry but, why the fck would you want to get things moving at 34 weeks?

Yeah, honey, pregnancy can really suck.

But, you're a stupid whore.

ETA: It's cliche but, I feel sorry for your child. You're trying to have the baby too soon for your own selfish reasons because you suck. Talk to some of the girls here, see how you feel after that.

And idc if this is a dead horse but, my blood is boiling.

ETA: I also imagine you'll be a bottle propper since feeding a baby for the first year or so doesn't suit your lifestyle.

You signed up for 40 weeks, doll.

Re: I'm sorry but, why the fck would you want to get things moving at 34 weeks?

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    I agree that only an idiot would want to get things moving at 34 weeks.


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    Please see my response.  I'm offended and I had a late term preemie.  I am sure that the MC/PL board as well as the Preemie board would be absolutely HORRIFIED at her.


    3/22/09 - Lily Grace, born at 33 weeks, 2 days
    9/12/14 - M/C @ 7 weeks, 1 day (ectopic)

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    What scares me more is that this ISN'T the first time I've seen idiocy of that caliber on this board before.
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    That's really sad.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Yeah, honey, pregnancy can really suck.

    But, you're a stupid whore.

    HOLY CRAP!! Water just shot out of my nose!!!! HAHAHAHA

    Not expecting the whore comment.. but I agree with ya honey!! I am almost 38 and yes I am ready to go... but know I got a bit more to go! He will come when he comes..... I got the time! :) 


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    I never understand when people say sh!t like that either... makes no sense to me at all. Indifferent
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    Amen, I know of no one that wants things to get started until 37 weeks at the earliest.


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    Ok..was out on break...what in the world did I miss?
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    Wow! What did I miss?!?

    ::going back to previous posts to find the source of the drama::

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    She is stupid.

    I am uncomfortable sometimes, but I always say I can't wait to be 37 weeks so that Henry can come when he's ready.  I am terrified of jinxing myself if I say "I can't wait for Henry to get here" 

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    imageJules G:

    Wow! What did I miss?!?

    ::going back to previous posts to find the source of the drama::

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    Looks like I missed a doozie.  I just don't get people. I've HATED most of my pregnancy, but I've always said I couldn't wait until I was far enough along that my youngin' could pop out when she's ready. 34 weeks, are you kidding me?
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    she's totally cookoo...i mostly lurk but one of my favorite posts of her's had to do with how depressed she is about her stretchmarks.  i guess if she has her baby at 34 weeks she'll eliminate any late term stretchies, so that's a plus for her!
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    Wow, I missed something.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Can someone please post a linky so that i can see what happened?  Is this the same wierdo that said this yesterday??? Linky please!!!
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    What did I miss?!?!!?
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    Because she was born early and "she's fine". Yeah, my DH was born at 32 weeks and weighed just over 2 pounds. He had to have 3 surgeries by the age of 5, was always the smallest kid in his class, and topped out at a massive 5'7" (with shoes) which is fine, but it still bothers him.

    She's an idiot, a huge AW (the double meanings for that) and a disgrace to the rest of those of us waiting to become mothers.


    Um, yeah. The Bump be too crazy for pics of my kid.
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    imageJules G:

    Wow! What did I miss?!?

    ::going back to previous posts to find the source of the drama::


    What started it yesterday...



    Um, yeah. The Bump be too crazy for pics of my kid.
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    wow, i can't believe that.  34 weeks, way too early
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    Oooh, that one. I love how she's complaining about being flamed but keeps on starting threads to take up for herself.
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    Good grief - I can only hope that she means it when she says she is leaving the bump. Goodbye!!!

    We all have our reasons for being annoyed but hearing anyone complaining that they are sooo ready to get a baby out - before 38 weeks makes me blood boil.  I had my son at 27 weeks and am on bed rest and at risk for having another preemie and I would give me right arm to carry a baby to term. I have found however that karma is a biotch and the massive complainers, usually go longer so I will just wish a 41+ week pregnancy on her.....

    I would suggest a trip to her local nicu to change her mind but she is stupid and ignorant and instead we will just say I hope you mean it when you say bye-bye!

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    LoL... so i obvioulsy had missed something while writing out a million thank you cards ahaha...


    1) a 10k at 34 weeks.. good luck.. idk if i could do a 3k at that point lol.. after a mile or so my feet r lik balloons and my legs r numb!!


    2) Shes thinking that already at 28 weeks.. good lord.. Im tired too but not tired enough to not keep baking a healthy bun in the oven.. no one wants anything undercooked

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    Because she was born early and "she's fine". Yeah, my DH was born at 32 weeks and weighed just over 2 pounds. He had to have 3 surgeries by the age of 5, was always the smallest kid in his class, and topped out at a massive 5'7" (with shoes) which is fine, but it still bothers him.

    By her logic... if one crack head mother has a healthy baby, then it must be okay to get all doped up.  Not smart.  I'm curious if she has discussed this 34wk early labor plan with her doctor.  Hopefully he/she would explain the obvious to her.

    BFP #1 (DS, 10/98), BFP #2 (DD, 10/09)
    BFP #3 -mm/c @ 7wks, discovered at 9wks, D&C 9/28
    BFP #4 5/29 EDD 2/9 - please be our rainbow
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    As a mom of one, soon to be two, I am praying that this baby stays in for as long as she can.  I am not sure why people want to rush it.  Once the baby comes life becomes really tough... I get it, you want to see the baby and you're uncomfortable.  But I went to 41 weeks with DD #1 and I loved every minute of my time off before she came out.  I am going to enjoy our time as three until this LO wants to meet us too. 

    You may tired or swollen now but at least you can sleep if you need to.  Wait until the baby is here and you're up every 1-2 hours for 4 weeks.... sorry, but I am happy to go full term (if I can) baby.

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    I was absolutely terrified last Friday when they thought I might have my baby that day (34 wks 2 days).  Now I am walking on eggshells following the doctor's restrictions to keep him in as long as possible.  I just don't understand how you can be so selfish as to WANT your baby to be born too soon, just so that you can feel better.  How would that make you feel better?   Ugh.
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