
Clarification- I meant is it true by NOT giving her cereal

in her last bottle b/c of the carbs and stuff.  Trust me, if it weren't for the reflux she'd get none.  I am not using the cereal as a crutch for sttn.  I know she'll get there when she gets there.  I just found the comment odd and wasn't sure it really made sense.

Or is it like how I am starving 2 hours after eating massive amounts of Chinese food?  Ever notice that?

Re: Clarification- I meant is it true by NOT giving her cereal

  • I still don't have an answers. Carbs are not super filling; protein is. So, it's quite possible that it is making her hungry, thus causing her to wake up more frequently. So, the extra calories could be causing her to gain weight more quickly. Who knows? I think she's PERFECT they way she is.

    I have heard that reflux babies will sometimes eat non-stop to soothe the burn. So, if she's burning at night, that could be why she's waking up to eat (or at all), too.

    Again, I have no idea, but I pray that she sleeps better for you soon!

    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • Yeah, I am wondering if there is some truth to it?  Like the southbeach diet concept that carbs make your glucose drop after they are metabolized and make you more hungry.

    Interesting thought.

    Did you say that they changed her meds?  What is she on?

    I'm always curious about the rice cereal in bottle thing.  My DD had horrible reflux, spitting up blood, etc.  It was a nightmare.  She would spit up anywhere from 35-50+ times a day.  The doctors never said anything about the cereal in the bottle.  Zantac helped the blood and seemed to help the pain, but she still spit up -- a lot.  She also slept very bad, I remember when she was 11 months old, she was waking up 11 times a night.  Talk about a nightmare...

    I hope your DD outgrows the reflux soon and you get some more sleep too :)

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  • imageisabella22:

    Yeah, I am wondering if there is some truth to it?  Like the southbeach diet concept that carbs make your glucose drop after they are metabolized and make you more hungry.

    Interesting thought.

    Did you say that they changed her meds?  What is she on?

    I'm always curious about the rice cereal in bottle thing.  My DD had horrible reflux, spitting up blood, etc.  It was a nightmare.  She would spit up anywhere from 35-50+ times a day.  The doctors never said anything about the cereal in the bottle.  Zantac helped the blood and seemed to help the pain, but she still spit up -- a lot.  She also slept very bad, I remember when she was 11 months old, she was waking up 11 times a night.  Talk about a nightmare...

    I hope your DD outgrows the reflux soon and you get some more sleep too :)

    Oh God.  That is awful.  She was on Zantac, but it doesn't help.  She is being put on Prilosec.  The weird thing is she just eats a normal amount.  I can't get her to take more in the  day to be honest.  She is eating the same amount in each bottle since she was 2 weeks old, but less often (so less formula).  It's weird.  Her pedi said she may be burning after eating a certain amount and that is why her bottles haven't increased.

  • Poot thing :(  I would not wish a relflux baby on my worst enemy.  It is so hard because you don't know if they are in pain or not. DD was always a very happy baby, she just didn't sleep well :)  I never knew if it was linked to the reflux.

    I hope the prilosec helps.

    Does she spit up too?  Is is projectile?  Luckily, DD's wasn't projectile, but man was it smelly and icky.  She always wore a bib and I ended up changing several times a day.

    Hey, what did you decide to do about going back to work?

  • I see what you are saying and you could have a point. I would say the weight gain could be because of the extra calories in the formula.

    My ped is not a big fan of cereal in bottles because of the extra calories, and because he does say it trains a baby to eat more. Have you tried it without lately? Both my kids outgrew their reflux between 3-6 months.

  • I googled because I was curious. This is from a medical journal article. I'm pretty sure if I'm reading this right it says the opposite of what she's saying. But ask me in 4 years, after I've finished medical school: Wink

    " The rationale for this therapy has been that thickening increases the "stickiness" and weight of the feeds. Thus, it is thought that feeds tend to be retained in the stomach which will prevent reflux into the oesophagus (Orenstein 1987). This assumption may be flawed and there have been studies that show that increasing the caloric density of feeds by adding thickeners in fact delays gastric emptying (Minami 1984). Delayed gastric emptying correlates with increased GOR (Hillemeier 1981)."

  • She's only been on the rice 2-3 weeks, so not sure that is the root of her weight gain.  She was 14 lb 14 oz at 2 months, w/o it.  Off the charts then too.

    She does spit up a lot.  Sometimes projectile, sometimes not.  

  • imageBrewster:

    She's only been on the rice 2-3 weeks, so not sure that is the root of her weight gain.  She was 14 lb 14 oz at 2 months, w/o it.  Off the charts then too.

    She does spit up a lot.  Sometimes projectile, sometimes not.  

    Poor baby hope she feels better soon.

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