I'm so sick of different opinions from people!! When I pump i get very little (20ml total per session) - but all the nurses/doctors at the nicu told me that Carter was getting plenty from me when i bf and that pumps just aren't effective.
Today was the first pedi visit since coming home sunday - and i've been EBF'ing. Well, Carter has LOST 2.25oz. The lc at the pedi said that pumps are more effective - and that he's sleeping because he's exhausted, NOT because he's full.
So now I've been prescribed Domperidone (nothing else has seemed to work) and told to supplement EVERY feeding (and pump after EVERY feeding also)...as if i'm not exhausted enough. I'll give this one more try...
Re: I've been starving my baby..
Aww sweetie, that SUCKS!!!
I never took Dom, but I've heard really fabulous things about it. I really hope the two of you can work out BFing asap. It is so hard to BF a preemie
I don't post much but I wanted to say you can do it!
I had a very hard time EBFing too. DS kept losing weight/staying the same when I EBF'd, so I had to keep pumping after feedings, and supplementing with BM or formula. And then I started just pumping and he forgot how to BF. It was so hard, and I kept feeling like I was failing him. I wasn't, but it's hard not to feel so down.
When he was 7 weeks old we finally got the hang of BFing again (no thanks to the LC I went to see) and we're still going now.
You can get there! Just be patient, and you are doing your best. Your LO is lucky to have a mom trying so hard.
first of all, he's adorable. i love that smile!!!
we had a hard time as well. after ryan came home, we couldn't get him to gain weight. i ended up switching to EPing (which honestly was better for the control freak part of me). my LC said something very important to me - LO had a different, more difficult beginning than most babies. all you can do is try your hardest. don't beat yourself up about it.
good luck with the meds and hang in there!
yes. do this. I thought the same thing, that my baby was not getting nearly enough, turns out he was getting plenty! I was only pumping an ounce or two and he was eating close to 4! babies are MUCH more efficient than a pump. in my short experience no matter how tired my LO is, he will not sleep if he is hungry. good luck! BF is a huge challenge.
i feel your pain! i was very close to the end of my rope last week... ready to give up bfing entirely...
the LC clinic i go to is through the nicu, and what we do is weigh babies before and after i bf with them. that way you know exactly how much a baby gets from a breast. i have found that the pump does not get as much as babies do. we have the medela symphony recommended for preemies.
anyway i started taking the domperidone last week as i really want to increase my milk supply for twins, and have only been able to supply about 1/2 for them. have been pumping nonstop for the 10wks they've been here (33wkers also), and am sooooo tired of it. the dom has not increased my pumping volume. HOWEVER, somehow magically bfing has become SO much easier just a few days after starting. the milk FLOWS out of me, and i don't worry about baby getting enough. all i hear is gulping - and i'm sure you would agree that is a good sound. and i don't have to worry about giving a bottle afterward.
still pumping though as there are two to feed, and MAYBE one day they won't need so much formula.
good luck!!