Really, they are both adorable. Are they starting to interact/play with each other? That is the best. Nothing makes me happier than when my girls make each other laugh
Emi does NOT have reflux. They think the UTI was a fluke. The procedure itself was horrid. Seriously horrible. Then of course I felt guilty for having it done when she didn't need it, but I'm glad there was no reflux.
Glad to hear that is sounds like Marissa is outgrowing it and there won't be surgery in her future! Great news!
Really, they are both adorable. Are they starting to interact/play with each other? That is the best. Nothing makes me happier than when my girls make each other laugh
Emi does NOT have reflux. They think the UTI was a fluke. The procedure itself was horrid. Seriously horrible. Then of course I felt guilty for having it done when she didn't need it, but I'm glad there was no reflux.
Glad to hear that is sounds like Marissa is outgrowing it and there won't be surgery in her future! Great news!
:: running in to say hi to both of you ::