
How long should fever last with croup?

I took DD2 to urgent care over the weekend and she was diagnosed with croup.  She's had a fever (not sky-high, but around 100) since Sunday, and anytime I stop giving Tylenol, it comes back.  She's acting totally normal as long as I keep up the Tylenol, but crashes fast if I let it wear off. 

Is 5 days of having a fever normal for croup?  I don't want to bother her doctor again (since I've already been on the phone with him twice over DD1's thyroid nonsense this week) if this is par for the course, but it seems like a long time to me...

Re: How long should fever last with croup?

  • we were in the ER on Tuesday for Croup and an Asthma attack. they told me that Croup only last 3-4 days so i would think your daughter's fever would be gone soon.

    Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
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