TTC after 35

13 vials of blood drawn today

The tech told me I needed to have a steak afterwards.  DH went too.  He went first had to do RE bloodwork and for his regular physical with GP.  He only had 5 vials.  Man, I think they must have tested me for everything under the sun!

Re: 13 vials of blood drawn today

  • Wow!  That's a lot of vials!  I would have been faint!
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  • Wow!  Yes, have a steak or two with an orange juice chaser!  Vitamin C helps you absorb double the iron you would without it.


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • Good Lord. I'm a fainter. I would have lost it. I got woozy just reading your post.


  • That's a lot of testing! Hope it all comes back great!
  • WOW!  That is a lot!  Good Luck!
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  • Wow that's a lot of blood!  Be careful today!
    TTC #1, Cycle 22 - Jan 2009 IUI , Femara & Follistim: 7/21/09: BFN Multiple rounds of Clomid June 2012: Decided to move on to IVF after 3 more rounds of Clomid Sept 2012: Got a call from a friend asking us to adopt her baby
  • Wowzers. Maybe a steak with a steak chaser.
  • When I had my RPL done it was that same number of vials.  I thought she would never end.  I think she was even amazed with how many vials of blood she was taking from me.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC #1 Cycle #18 m/c Jan. 9, 2007, chemical pg May 4, 2007, methotrexate shot Oct. 5, 2007--m/c Oct. 9, 2007, IUI Nov. 17, 2007 It worked! beta 11/30 & 12/6 TTC #2 Cycle #5 IUI July 20, 2009 -BFN 8-3-09 Cycle #6 IUI August 17, 2009-BFP! 8-31-09, beta 9-1-09, 9-8-09, saw the H/B 9-22-09 EDD 5-10-10
  • That's a lot.  Hope it brings you some answers and a good plan!
  • Good Lord...did they give you one of those "I'm a Blood Donor" stickers to wear on your shirt?

    Sounds like your docs. are really covering all the bases!!!   Good luck!

  • That's actually not uncommon. When I first went to the RE 2 years ago I had to have the same number of vials done. I hate needles so they had me lie down to do it. I definitely didn't feel great while it was being done but the tech was great and talked to me the whole time which helped get my mind off it.

     Now that we're TTC#2 I didn't have to go through nearly as much, so I was super thankfuly for that. good luck with everything!!

  • I did a genetics panel and it was a ton of tubes.  My first REs ordered every blood test under the sun.  I lost count of the number of tubes but it was probably that many!   Lab techs love me though, I am great with the needle!
  • I had ten taken! This is good, the more the better!!!

    I hope you either find something out that is an easy fix or that everything is normal.

    My DH only had one vial taken -- AND we just got the bill! His was taken in FEB!?

  • Good lord!  That is a ton of blood. 
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