
If you swaddled your LO

DD is over four months old. I know we are way overdue for getting rid of the swaddle but I just can't do it. She sleeps so great right now. When she isn't swaddled she is still a crazy woman - rubbing and scratching at her face and eyes. WTH??!! I thought that was supposed to stop after weren't newborns anymore. DS hated the swaddle so he never was swaddled and I don't remember him being like this. The scratching and rubbing is my main concern - she looks like she was in a fight with a cat sometimes even though we do our best to cut her nails often. Of secondary concern is the fact that she is constantly ripping/knocking out her paci when she isn't swaddled and I'm afraid we'll be up 10000000000 times a night putting it back in.

So do I need to just suck it up? If you swaddled - how long did it take for your LO to get used to being without the swaddle? TIA!!

Molly - DS - 12.16.06 DD - 3.20.09 DD - 3.11.11

Re: If you swaddled your LO

  • I'm sorry I can't help with the swaddle issue as neither of my kids were swaddled but I have to tell you....for whatever reason, I read the title of this post as "if you swallowed your LO" --- I HAD to come in and find out what the heck that is all about!!!!  ;)
  • REOMREOM member

    Way overdue huh? LOL. Should I tell you that we swaddled Emi until she was 8 months old for that very reason?!  She was sleeping well, so we just left her. When we finally did unswaddle her, she was older and the scratching wasn't a problem.

    We started by unswaddling just one arm, then two, then no blanket at all.

    Good luck!

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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  • I am of the opinion that they should be swaddled until they don't want it anymore!  Then you'll know because they will start busting out of it.  Ian was around 4.5 months, but Max was way earlier - maybe 3?  He just didn't care for it but it worked for Ian so we did it until he started unwrapping every night. :)
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fourth Birthday tickersimageimage
  • I think ds was about 5 months when we stopped. He outgrew the swaddle-me and hated the miracle blanket (or I just couldn't do it right). First we left out one arm, then two then took it off completely. It took about a week for him to adjust but was fine after that. Hth
  • Wahoo! Thanks girls! No other replies are necessary, bumpies! :-) I really am not ready to be done with the swaddle so I am glad to hear that it might be ok to just go with it for now. I REALLY like to sleep :-)

    Jodi - too funny! I do stuff like that all the time!

    Molly - DS - 12.16.06 DD - 3.20.09 DD - 3.11.11
  • Why do you think Cam still has a binky at 3 years old?!  SLEEP!!!!  :)
  • That's why DS still has one at almost 2.7!! I'm so selfish! Big Smile
    Molly - DS - 12.16.06 DD - 3.20.09 DD - 3.11.11
  • We're still swaddling at 5.5 months.  She fights her way out of the swaddle me at night, but it does help with the wakings.

    We'll stop...soon...ish.

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