please tell me which brands you look for and where you look for 'em!
ttc #2 since 6/09 **
au naturel (many months) = bfn **
acupuncture + herbs (many months) = bfn **
acupuncture + herbs + IUI (2 rounds) = bfn **
gonal f + ovidrel + IUI (7 rounds) = bfn ** IVF w/ICSI+PGD - all embryos arrested 4/28/12 GAME OVER **

Re: diaper bag junkies - please recommend websites/brands
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Ditto. I have one and can't tell you how many times I've been complimented on it or stopped when we were out and asked where I got it.
Ditto - love Storksaks. I'm currently using one as a purse! I get their samples dirt cheap at their showroom in LA, so I don't know where a good source is for you.
I really prefer messenger bags (or bags with a long enough strap to be worn that way). Backpacks are a pain to constantly take on and off and bags with regular straps slide off my shoulders at the worst times (like when carrying the baby in the carseat - slides down and thwacks her in the face!).
If I ever get around to cleaning them out, I'm selling my two Kate Spade bags. They look nice, but weren't very functional (for me).
Mia Moda (takes first place)
Fleureville Sling Tote (takes second due to practicality)
Petunia Pickle Bottom (runner up....kind of outdated. I carried one back when DS was a baby)
Kate Spade (dead last....yuck. Boring!)