
diaper bag junkies - please recommend websites/brands

please tell me which brands you look for and where you look for 'em!


ttc #2 since 6/09 ** au naturel (many months) = bfn ** acupuncture + herbs (many months) = bfn ** acupuncture + herbs + IUI (2 rounds) = bfn ** gonal f + ovidrel + IUI (7 rounds) = bfn ** IVF w/ICSI+PGD - all embryos arrested 4/28/12 GAME OVER ** image >

Re: diaper bag junkies - please recommend websites/brands

  • Petunia Picklebottom
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • I LOVE my Storksak Emily bag.  It is so cute and functional.  All the Storksak bags are cute, IMO.
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  • imageBubblyToes:
    Petunia Picklebottom

    Ditto.  I have one and can't tell you how many times I've been complimented on it or stopped when we were out and asked where I got it.  

    DS1 10-06 and DS2 9-08 and baby #3 EDD 9-05-12
  • imagewellfleet04:
    I LOVE my Storksak Emily bag.  It is so cute and functional.  All the Storksak bags are cute, IMO.

    Ditto - love Storksaks.  I'm currently using one as a purse!  I get their samples dirt cheap at their showroom in LA, so I don't know where a good source is for you.

    I really prefer messenger bags (or bags with a long enough strap to be worn that way).  Backpacks are a pain to constantly take on and off and bags with regular straps slide off my shoulders at the worst times (like when carrying the baby in the carseat - slides down and thwacks her in the face!). 

    If I ever get around to cleaning them out, I'm selling my two Kate Spade bags.  They look nice, but weren't very functional (for me).

  • Mia Moda (takes first place)

    Fleureville Sling Tote (takes second due to practicality)

    Petunia Pickle Bottom (runner up....kind of outdated.  I carried one back when DS was a baby)

    Kate Spade (dead last....yuck.  Boring!)

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