So, I only went off the patch (BC) last month, so I am sure my period will be wack-a-doo for a little while before I regulate again. My period would normally have started on Sunday. I spotted a little bit on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.. and nothing at all today. I feel like I am cramping and I want chocolate (or that could be a normal day to day thing)... I am really thinking there is no way I am PG, so.. should I even bother to POAS?
Re: To P or not POAS?
I say POAS. It can't hurt unless you're not ready to possibly see a BFN. But you amy be pleasantly surprised and see a BFP too.
By the way I watched your wedding slide show. You had abeautiful wedding. I love the picture of you and DH with the big shark over your heads. Congrats!
We had an awesome time at our wedding, but it went by way too quickly. Thanks for checking out our pictures!
i'm a POAS aholic so i say POAS. but as PP if you're not ready to see BFN then probably wait a week until AF is over due. it can take awhile for your cycles to regulate after birth control.
good luck. oh and read TCOYF, its a great book to learn about your body
Thanks! I am not worried this month about getting a BFN. I really don't expect anything the first month.. Plus, it means if I am negative, I still get to go on my cruise in January.. there is good and bad to everything
LOL. I don;t have any sticks with me at work right now. but when I get home.. I will find a stick
if there's a stick to spare, pee on it!
good luck!!!!!?
I came.
I peed.
I got a BFN.
1st month TTC.
It's all good.
More fun next month!
awww...too bad! I was hoping to hear a BFP outta this!!!
I agree with pp...get really is a great book!
GL next never know
Thanks Char! And by the way... congrats to you! I am so very, very happy for you! I know it has been a long road for you.