Well, the embryologist just called me and the news is not the best, but I guess not the ultimate worst either. ?He started the call with "It was not as good as last time". ?So, I knew it was not going to be good.
They ended up having 12 eggs, not 11. ?Four of the eggs had broken shells, brings us down to 8, 3 are not mature, brings us down to 5 mature eggs.
So far only two have fertilized. ?They are waiting to see if the others fertilize. ?But the embryologist did not make it sound too promising.
Basically if the two fertilized are the only two and they look okay tomorrow, they will do a 3 day transfer and if one is not good on day 3, but the other seems okay, they will wait and do a 5 day transfer with that one and our one frozen embryo.
This is SO not how I thought the fert report would be. ?I swear this time I was having such a positive attitude and went to acupuncture and was so relaxed, I thought I would have a wonderful report. I so wasn't prepared to hear any of the above. ?I know I am not out of the game, but I feel like I am in the middle of a nail biting, scary, suspense filled game. ?I can not wait for tomorrow to see what is going on. ?(Did the two fertilized ones continue dividing, did any others fertilize)
Hope everyone is having a better day than me... ?I am off to have some icecream....not that will change the fert report, but it might make my tummy happy! ? ? Thanks for listening....?
Re: Not such a stellar fert report
Sorry you are disappointed, but as you said, you are NOT out of the game.
Go enjoy your ice cream and let us know what happens tmrw. Good luck.
I am sorry you are disappointed. It is so hard when you try to stay positive and you are not greeted with the news you were expecting.
But... you are right. YOu are no where near out of the game. So fingers crossed that those 2 are rock stars and all that you need.
Go enjoy your ice cream. You deserve it!
I hope that the 2 that did fertilize become rock stars and keep growing. Grow embies grow.
Enjoy your ice cream and try to keep busy. I know that is the only thing that truly keeps my mind off things. I'll be watching for your update tomorrow. Good luck.
hugs to you::::::::
i'm sorry for the dissapointing report. but as you said and pp said you are not out of the game. good luck. we will listen anytime. this board is so very supportive in all things.
have a great big hot fudge sundae for yourself. i think chocolate helps make everything better. at least for a little bit.
Sorry about the disappointing fert report. It really is an emotional roller coaster and we have no control over who is driving the crazy roller coaster.
You are still in the game. Your two little embiees could very well be your little rock stars.
Good luck!!! Keep us posted.
I am so sorry it was not what you ahd hoped for...but the pp are right...you could have 2 rock stars on your hands...remember it only takes 1!!
Try and stay positive and if you need to vent...vent away!!!
::::grow embies, grow!!!::::
I hope your ice cream was good, and I hope the news you get today is EXCELLENT and those two embies are growing big and strong!
Amen, sister!