I want to make sure my cousin is as comfortable as possible while laboring and in the hospital. She will be going in Monday night so they can start to soften her cervix, and then start the pitocin Tuesday morning. Right now a vaginal delivery is planned, but we know plans can change on a dime in this situation!
So, anything that you were happy to have with you? Anything you wish you would have had?
Re: What do you wish you would have had while in the hospital?
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
Seriously. Oh, and a tip for anyone waiting around while someone is laboring. Don't eat in front of them! It's mean! I had 22 hours of labor, so I had to go 36 hours on ice chips, some hard candy and sniffing food. It's evil, trust me. And a great way to get yourself beaten up. I wanted to kill my dad when he came into my room talking about the pizza they all had for dinner. (Hour 9 of labor for me).
THIS!!! DH brought lunch into my LDR room and I went psycho on him!!
I had packed a few comfy outfits, ie yoga pants/tank and a sweatshirt. It was nice having your own clothes on instead of that hospital gown. Made me feel normal again! Also, make sure have your cell phone and cell phone charger on you!!!