

Hi there!

How are you feeling? thanks for the reply to my feeling guilty post yesterday...

Since we always live parallel lives, I thought of you when I noticed in the last 2 days that my right foot appears to be swelling slightly more than the left. I'm not too worried b/c it is not much (and no redness, pain, heat etc)& the swellng just started this weekend but I thought I'd see what your dr said about it. I'm thinking maybe it depends on where the babies are lying, maybe one is occluding a vein more on the right.

Thanks for any insight :). Hope youre feelng good! 

Re: sara1014

  • No kidding about the parallel lives!  I'm hanging in there.  I went to my classroom today to try to get some organization done - the stuff I'm super anal about anyway...and I feel like it totally jacked up my back - so tomorrow I'll be back on the couch hanging out.  Then back at the school on Friday for (hopefully) the last time!

    For me, my left foot is the one that's more swollen.  I did ask about it, but my dr. actually didn't say much - just that it was normal (like everything else, you know?).  And, of course, it wasn't nearly as swollen as normal at my appointment - so he said it could have to do with the babies' positions, and how I sit/stand/carry myself.  

    Unfortunately, it seems my left foot is starting to catch up.  I feel so flipping puffy lately!!  

    Hope you're feeling better than you were the other day.  It seems I don't have better days than's more like better hours than others.  I can go from feeling pretty good to feeling downright crappy instantly. 


  • Hi!

    Thanks :)

    Yeah, my dr was not too concerned about mine, it is pretty minimal & my BP, while high for me is still not high enough to be concerning.

    But I was SO uncomfortable last evening and all night, I was up every 20-30 min to change position, location, etc.... had an NST today & it showed lots of contractions & I"m 90% effaced although still not much dilated but he took one look at my face & how fidgety & uncomfortable I was and basically said he'll be surprised if I make it to my next appt. Yikes! Exciting but scary & now I'm all stressed about whether I'll 'know' when to call (other than water breaking or really strong/painful contractions)...he says if anything gets worse to call. We'll see!

    I'm so impressed you were at work doing stuff! Glad you're taking it easy tomorrow tho :)

    Take care! 

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