
F/U to last night 3 year old sleeping

Last night I posted about a 3year old foster child who was having crying fits at bedtime, and today things are much better!

I read the responses and thank you. I kind of took it all and used it all.  1st I talked to her again during the day and today she basically told me she wanted to sleep on the couch, so she was crying so we would let her sleep on the couch. So, I think it was like Cubby said about figuring out she was going to be able to get something out of it. We had a talk about how couches are for sitting and beds are for sleeping, and I think she got it as she said it every time somebody sat on the couch today.

I realize she was using the crying as a way to get what she wants, I am not sure why she does it, except that it must work for her. Tonight, she was in the bath (she loves the bath) I was right there but after a few minutes she just started crying, like loud sobs. I asked her why and she said she wanted to get out of the tub. So I explained again that she is a big girl and if she needs or wants something like to get out of the tub she needs to use words to say it.

I took her to the park, and then we played in the sprinkler in the yard, to make sure she was able to get her energy out, as she does get a nap at daycare. I let her pick the story, told her I was so proud of the big girl she was being in going to bed and when I left the room she was smiling, and said " I don't need anything!"

So, only night 1, but so far so good, so Thank Your!

Katherine Proud Mommy and Foster Mommy

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