
Taconic accident - if you followed the story

I just read that the mom had alcohol and Marijuana in her system. This makes me so mad. How could she drive with not only HER kids but her Brothers 3 children. Drunk and High? How could her Husband let her drive with all those kids? I just don't understand.

This was tragic enough when I thought it was a bad accident.


Re: Taconic accident - if you followed the story

  • I saw that earlier and it makes me so mad.  I really thought there was a medical reason for what happened and felt sorry for her.  What a monster.
    imageimageBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • OMG, that's horrible... i could not understand why she kept driving if she called her husband 30-60 minutes before the accident complaining that she was not feeling well..... I guess that explains it. Those poor kids... and those poor people in another car....
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  • imagepenguingrrl:
    I saw that earlier and it makes me so mad.  I really thought there was a medical reason for what happened and felt sorry for her.  What a monster.

    Ditto this. Exactly.

  • It happened 5 minutes from my house. I cannot believe it! I had such a feeling something was wrong like that. I think that the husband knows much more than what he is saying. I feel so bad for all the families involved. I cannot imagine losing all of my children. Heartbreaking!
    Julian David 8/7/06 and Isabella Mia 5/14/09
  • I know! I was SURE she had a anneurysm or some medical condition.

    God, to make such a stupid decision, not just with your own kids but with your brothers kids. And to keep driving when you know you don't feel right. Poor babies, poor innocent people.

  • wow, I thought she must have had a stroke or something. HOW could she be so irresponsible?!?! That story haunted me for days.
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • and what do you do if you're that brother?! ya know? Or worse yet, his wife?
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • imagehapp17:
    and what do you do if you're that brother?! ya know? Or worse yet, his wife?

    YES! I've been saying that since day one.


  • That poor boy is going to be scarred for life.  The dad wasn't there, right?  The boy still has his daddy?
  • imagexbrooklyngrl:

    and what do you do if you're that brother?! ya know? Or worse yet, his wife?

    YES! I've been saying that since day one.


    If I were the wife of the brother & found out that the husband (of the wife driving the car) knew & allowed his wife to drive my children, I seriously think I would be in jail for my behavior.

  • Yep the Dad is still alive.

    Ugh, the entire thing is nuts. Driving with 5 kids is distracting enough, who in their right mind drives under the influence.

  • wait--she called the husband? I thought she called her brother telling her she didn't feel well...
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • imagehapp17:
    wait--she called the husband? I thought she called her brother telling her she didn't feel well...

    She called her brother. The husband was camping with her/the kids & left to go on a fishing trip at 9:30 am - she left to drive the kids home. It's unclear if he was drinking/smoking with her, but it seems odd that she would stop somewhere or do that with all of the kids. . .

  • I thought she called her brother.  He told her to stay and he would come and get them.  She did not listen.  That whole story makes me sick.
  • Yes, she called her brother, not her husband. Her Husband was at the camp site with her that morning though and they departed at the same time in different cars I guess.
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